Philip Tyler

Phil T Portrait artist of the year series

Phil Tyler completed his first degree at Loughborough College of Art and Design where he also studied at Virginia Commonwealth University, before going onto to do a Masters in Printmaking at Brighton. 

He has exhibited in the ING Discerning Eye, Royal Institute of Oil Painters, The Lynn Painter-Stainers prize, The Garrick Milne Prize, The Royal Over seas league, East, The National Open and the Whitworth young contemporaries’ competitions. 

His work is in both public and private collections in this country as well as in America Australia Finland Hong Kong and Sweden, including Brighton Museum and Art Gallery, Peterborough Museum.

He has written two books on drawing and painting both published by The Crowood press and has also written several articles for the Artists magazine.

He runs the BA Fine Art Printmaking degree at the University of brighton and also teaches at West Dean and the Art Academy.