Victoria Sills


Victoria Sills is an artist and graduate of the University of Brighton (1999) and The Other MA (2020).

Victoria works across multiple disciplines, primarily with paint, print & drawing using traditional methods to explore contemporary subjects such as mental health in an ever-increasing technological world. Victoria is interested in making contemporary art accessible to wider audiences by using traditional techniques.

Selected group exhibitions include The Ruth Borchard Self Portrait Prize 2023, Royal Institute of Oil Painters 2022 annual show, Amplify at New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, Salon des Refusés (Camden Image Gallery), Big Screen and Relay projects (Focal Point Gallery) and The Essex Open.

She has had her work shortlisted for the Royal Academy Summer Show and The New English Art Club and longlisted for The Women in Art Prize 2023.

Victoria’s work has appeared in publications such as Elle Decoration, A5 Magazine and Trawler. She is an ongoing member of the TOMA (The Other MA) Associate Programme, ArtCan Organisation and 70 Broadway Gallery collective and teaches an online painting course.